Touching Stone Gallery
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
As part of the 2018-2019 Santa Fe Artists in Residence Program, the calligraphy-photography project 'Touching Stone - A Journey of the Mind' was exhibited in Edition One Gallery to an enthusiastic audience. (Read an article on this exhibition.) There were many touching moments, one happened on the last day of the exhibition, when well known Santa Fe artists and poets Cynthia West and James McGrath revisited the gallery to write poems inspired by the exhibits. Afterward, they treated Wong and Hirano to an impromptu private poetry reading in the gallery.

A Difference
Walking down a white path
in a white land, a black absence,
a shadow of a thought,
she leaves footprints for the wind
to erase. A difference shaped
of motion and of change,
she treads the unmapped path
to the dark land where night
breathes into night unheard.
Without knowing, it is simple
for her feet to press vanishing tracks
across the horizon that holds
the earth and the sky as one.
- Cynthia West
(reproduced with permission)
In this space
where two artists live and breathe
for a brief time,
there is music
where the winter moon
leaves an echo.
Here in this space
the shadows of ink
and click of camera
rest behind glass
and the black edge of frame
to hold out their hands
after the walls
have become silent
and the tea bowls are empty.
This is the space
where the eyes
find a pathway
toward home.
- James McGrath
(reproduced with permission)